Procedures performed by Jeffrey Wint in Springfield, MA

Dr Wint

Dr. Wint cares for all topics related to the Hand and Upper extremity. He is especially interested in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, including Endoscopic carpal tunnel release, as well as Peripheral Nerve Compression, Hand Fractures and Wrist Fractures, and Tendon Injuries. His strong interest in Workers Compensation care has been demonstrated in his p...
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Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel

Endoscopic carpal tunnel release uses an endoscope, an instrument attached to a video monitor to visualize the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament. This avoids the need to make an incision in the palm. Instead the surgeon makes the incision in the wrist crease near the base of the palm. The endoscopic carpal tunnel view gives the su...
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Needle and Incisional Aponeurotomy

For Dupuytren's disease, The Hand Center of Western Massachusetts is one of the few places in the region where needle and incisional aponeurotomy and incisional fasciotomy for Dupuytren's disease is being performed. While not all patients are candidates for needle aponeurotomy, there are many patients who may benefit from this technique. The su...
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Arthritis at the base of the thumb

Less severe thumb arthritis will usually respond to non-surgical care. Arthritis medication, splinting and cortisone injections may help alleviate pain. A hand therapist might provide a variety of rigid and non-rigid splints which can be used while sleeping or during activities. However a rigid splint may irritate the skin if there are prominen...
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