Dal Dingledine, PhD

Dal Dingledine, PhD
Dingledine Dale W Lisw 110 Manly Street Greenville, SC 29601

Dal Dingledine, PhD

Depending on what the client needs, I help people with short term goals (such as defining their concerns and what goals they want to reach), as well as those who want insight into repetitive concerns which keep surfacing. I work with individuals and couples to define their issues, and determine what goals they would like to achieve. We will work collaboratively to reach those goals. My clients tend to have concerns related to stress (work, relationships, etc), as well as those related to anxiety and/or depression. What I provide is my knowledge from advanced training in psychotherapy and stress reduction at the doctoral level. I have also been trained by leaders at Harvard Medical School and the University of Mass. Medical Center in mind-body medicine and neuroscience.

Is it Counseling or Psychotherapy?

Counseling is a series of conversations between a counselor and client which are related to a specific problem, and defining the steps to address or solve it; it tends to be brief and solution oriented.

On the other hand, psychotherapy usually takes longer than counseling. Rather than narrowing the focus on a current individual problem as in counseling, psychotherapy tends to focus on overall patterns of behavior and/or emotions which may be unresolved. Psychotherapy is an opportunity for exploring these underlying areas of the past and how they echo into the present and are re-enacted again. Our aim in resolving these issues is to acknowledge the underlying pain which fuels further complaints, so that you can be more aware and more effective in dealing with them, and have a more solid foundation for the future.
Primary Specialty

Clinical Social Worker

Gender Female
Areas of expertise include work related to:

adjustment (move; death of a friend, family member, or pet; new job, etc),
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder),
issues which get in the way of more fulfilling relationships (at work, at home, or with friends),
emotional temperament problems (unable to restrain emotions, or too restrained),
concerns related to parenting and/or work.

Training / Education in:
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Cognitive Therapies,
Psychodynamic (theories of individual drives, ego support, relationships, and self issues)
Psychoanalytic therapies (childhood development and how that reverberates into the present); and
Family Systems (the roles we are given early in life, and which influence our outlook and relationships)..

Techniques I utilize include: EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Restructuring)
DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), and Positive Psychology.

Psychotherapy is not a licensed profession in Colorado. Colorado psychotherapists must register with the Department of Regulatory Agencies, but they do not have specific training or educational requirements.

How do I Choose Between Counseling & Psychotherapy?

Don’t worry, choosing between Counseling & Psychotherapy is not as important as finding a mental health care provider who is a good fit. Research shows that the connection between counselor/therapist and client is the most important factor in successful outcomes. However, you can narrow your search for a counselor or psychotherapist by considering the following things:
◾Do you have a single concern that you would like to get some feedback on? Consider counseling.
◾Have you noticed a pattern of problems or concerns that seems to keep coming up? Consider psychotherapy.
◾Are you typically satisfied with your life and relationships, and just looking for a sounding board? Consider counseling.
◾Is it time to address previous trauma or family patterns that are keeping you from feeling good in your own skin? Consider psychotherapy.

Additional Services Psychotherapy
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January 28, 2013