Lawrence Presbyterian Manor

Lawrence Presbyterian Manor
Lawrence Presbyterian Manor 1429 Kasold Dr Lawrence, KS 66049

Lawrence Presbyterian Manor

Lawrence Presbyterian Manor is a senior living community located in historical Lawrence, Kansas. We offer independent living, assisted living, memory care, long-term care/skilled nursing, short-term rehabilitation and respite care.

In 2014, we added assisted living memory care to our services, offering a social model of care that combines group activities and family-style dining with personalized memory therapies for those needing Alzheimer's or dementia care.

Our Post-Acute to Home short-term rehabilitation program offers seniors a bridge between hospital and home following an illness, surgery or injury with a qualifying Medicare A stay.
Primary Specialty

Independent Living

Services Lawrence Presbyterian Manor provides independent living in Lawrence, KS to seniors and retirees with varying levels of assistance needs and/or disabilities.

Please contact Lawrence Presbyterian Manor for more information or to schedule a visit.
Additional Services Fitness Center, Minimum Age of Accepted Residents, Skilled Nursing, Respite care available, Short Term Rehab, Rehabilitation, Availability of trained clinical staff 24-hours per day, Activities Offsite, Activities Onsite, Resident Parking Available, Resident Family Education, Beauty & Barber Services, Outdoor Common Areas, Specializing in Alzheimer, Secured exterior courtyards with walking paths and professionally manicured landscapes and gardens, Secure Memory Unit, Nutritious snacks available throughout the day, Indoor Common Areas, Long Term Care, Personalized care plans, Devotional Services Available, Exercise, Arts and Crafts Programming, Assistance with all aspects of daily living