junius Johnson, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

junius Johnson, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Country Villa Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 608 W. Manchester 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90057

junius Johnson, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

According to the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, in a 9-week study of two weight management groups (one using hypnosis for weight loss and one not using hypnosis), the hypnosis for weight loss group continued to get results in the two-year follow-up, while the non-hypnosis group showed no further results (Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1985).
In a study of 60 women separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups, the groups using hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds, while the non-hypnosis group lost an average of only .5 pounds (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986).
In a comparison of the results of adding hypnosis to weight loss treatment across multiple studies showed that adding hypnosis increased weight loss by an average of 97% during treatment, and even more importantly increased the effectiveness POST TREATMENT by over 146%. This shows that hypnosis works even better over time (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1996).
Why might I need Time-Line Therapy™?
Memories, decisions and experiences are collected over time, ultimately determining how we relate to the world. In fact, all of our past, present and future memories are stored in the unconscious mind in what we refer to as a time-line. Not surprisingly, our stored memories affect how we experience the life that is ahead of us.
Unfortunately, throughout life we all experience hurt at one time or another. Rather than confront these hurts, we often times repress emotions. The problem is, repressed negative emotions can affect you on all levels; mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Repressed negative emotions, as well as limiting decisions, create blocks in your life. In Time-Line Therapy™, you will process and release the five prime negative emotions: anger, fear, sadness, hurt, and guilt. Everyone has experienced these emotions in the past — why not let go of these negative emotions, and open you to a healthy and more productive future?
How does Time-Line Therapy™ work?
Time-Line Therapy™ is a process used to release repressed negative emotions, change limiting decisions, overcome phobias, and develop a more solid foundation for your future. These crucial steps are accomplished by working with the unconscious mind and your time-line. Our memories are stored and connected like a string of pearls around a certain subject or emotion. With Time-Line Therapy™ you are taken to the root cause of the problem — where the unconscious mind can preserve the learning associated with the event, and let go of the negative emotions easily and effortlessly.
When is Time-Line Therapy™ most effective?
I recommend that my clients come in for Time-Line Therapy™ before starting most of their hypnotherapy processes. It allows the process of hypnosis to take effect more easily in certain situations. I believe EVERYONE can benefit from this form of therapy, even when there is no apparent problem or illness. It’s like creating a clean slate.
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Are you searching for a way to make deep and lasting changes in your life, riding yourself of thoughts and behaviors that limit you? Using the principles of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), we make deep and lasting changes that help you reach your goals.
Time-Line Therapy
Have you experienced fear, anger, sadness, or hurt in the past? Time-Line Therapy™ can help you let go of these emotions, opening yourself up to a healthy and more productive life style and future.

Create a positive future and achieve your goals with Time-Line Therapy™

Throughout mankind's history there has existed a folklore that certain gifted individuals have been capable of producing physical effects by means of some agency generally referred to as psychic or psycho energetic. Substantiation of such claims by accepted scientific methodology has been slow in coming, but recent laboratory experiments, especially in the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, and more recently in our own laboratory, have indicated that sufficient evidence does exist to warrant serious scientific investigation. It would appear that experiments could be conducted with scientific rigor to uncover not just a catalog of interesting events, but rather a pattern of cause-effect relationships of the type that lend themselves to analysis and hypothesis in the forms with which we are familiar in the physical sciences. SRI considers this to be a valid area for scientific inquiry.
As scientists we consider it important to examine various models describing the operation of these effects so that we can determine the relationship between extraordinary human functioning and the physical and psychological laws we presently understand. It is not the purpose of our work at SRI to add to the literature another demonstration of the statistical appearance of these phenomena in the laboratory, but rather we seek to achieve an understanding more compatible with contemporary science, and more useful to mankind.
Primary Specialty

Speech Pathologist

Gender Male
Services Our goal is to bring subconscious mind into a working partnership with your conscious desires.
Weight Loss, Eliminate Addictions, Stop Smoking, reduce Medical pain release, overcome eating disorder, Anger Management, Reduce Anxiety, Stress & Depression, Arthritis,Allergies, Asthma, Cancer, Headaches, General Healing, Hypertension, Paralysis & Stoke, Post Surgery - Healing and Recovery, Preparation for Surgery, and Past Life Odyssey.
Additional Services Weight Loss, Eliminate Addictions, Stop Smoking, Medical pain release, overcome eating disorder, Anger Management, Reduce Anxiety, Stress & Depression
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